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Ash Wednesday

  • St. John's Lutheran Church 312 South Third Street Evansville, WI (map)

On Ash Wednesday, February 14, we will gather for worship at 8:00am & 7:00pm, in the sanctuary. The 7:00pm service will be livestreamed online. Christians often participate in Lent by taking on a spiritual practice or discipline, as a form of a “fast.” The intention is to focus on Christ and his sacrifice for us. Some may break an unhealthy habit by giving up sweets or soda. Others might start a healthy habit, give to charity, join a small group, or try a new prayer activity. Consider what you might “give up” or do differently to set apart these forty days of Lent.


Earlier Event: February 13
Congregational Care Circle
Later Event: February 15
Hanging Basket Sale